Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Favorites

It's Friday!  The meaning of Friday as lessened a little for me since I started working Saturdays but I still rejoice for the rest of you!

A few of my favorites this week...
Sherlock...I can't get enough.  Ciana and I have binge watched the first two seasons and we just finished the second of the current season.  I want to be friends with Dr. and Mrs. Watson.

This sweater.  Hopefully winter will last long enough to justify it.

Essie's Cocktails and Coconuts...because I don't have enough neutral nail polishes in my life.

Source: How Sweet Eats Blog
This Spinach and Bacon Pizza was great.  Cara made it for our Super Bowl commercial viewing party and I've been craving it again ever since.

Well, this couldn't be any more accurate.  Unfortunately I am all twelve of the above characters wrapped up in one, totally unproductive, mess.

Happy Friday!


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