Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 12

#12 How you found out about Blogger and why you have one.

I think I originally found Blogger sometime back in 2008 when I started to follow my friend Bethany's blog and through her's I found Angie Smith's blog and then it started to snowball from there. I love blogs. So much so that there are 59 in my Google Reader. That's nuts. I really do enjoy the snapshots they give into other people's lives though. That's probably because I've been nosey my whole life.

I blog because I'm a historian at heart and historians live for records. Even records of things that don't seem worth recording. Trust me, when a historian sets out to research a particular era they hope desperately to find diaries or letters that tell the everyday details and not just the big, "historical" events. So I type out summaries and post pictures from birthday parties, sporting events, or just plain old Mondays. Or I post recipes that my family enjoys. Or I just ramble on about whatever strikes me on any given day. Someday hopefully someone will be able to glean at least one tiny tidbit of useful information from these entries that will help them get through a class on "21st Century America" or something of the like.

I also blog because I'm slightly narcissistic and want to be able to look back on what I've been up to. :-)


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