Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 26

#26 What do you think about your friends?

Ok, some of these questions are just lame.

I like my friends.  That's why they're my friends.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 25

#25: What would I find in your bag?

Bible. I try not to go anywhere without it.  I got my ESV compact Bible last Christmas and it has certainly been around the block.  Poor thing, the leather is already creased and some pages are a little crumpled but I think that just gives it character.  At least it doesn't smell like skunk anymore...oy vey.

Post-its.  My love for Post-it Notes knows no bounds.  In college I would leave myself notes stuck all over my room, especially on the back of my door so I couldn't leave my room without seeing them.

Pens.  What good are Post-its without pens?

Scripture Memory Spiral.  I'm working on memorizing 24 verses of scripture this year with the ladies over at the LPM blog so I always have my spiral with me so I can work on memorizing whenever I have a free moment or two.

Lip Balm.  Strawberry Carmex to be exact.

Hand Sanitizer. Because the world is a yucky germy place.  And because Bath & Body Works makes such fun scents.

Pony-tail holders.  I usually have one on my wrist as well.  You can never be too prepared for a hair emergency.

Earphones.  So I can listen to Pandora on my phone anytime I want.

My wallet.  Bo-ring, but a must have.

Blog Challenge Day 24

#24 A letter to your parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,

There's no way I can write a blog post that sufficiently describes my feelings toward you or my gratefulness for you so I'm not even going to try.  Hopefully I express how I feel in enough other ways that this post isn't necessary anyway.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 23

#23: Something you crave for a lot.

When I think crave I automatically think in terms of food so in that vein I'd have to say potatoes.  I like potatoes any way I can get them...fried, baked, mashed, au gratin, roasted, in soup, in potato salad, in casseroles, even instant.  Potatoes are my ultimate comfort food.  If I'm sad or upset my first impulse isn't to run for chocolate but to go get french fries from McDonalds or whip up a quick batch of mashed potatoes with sour cream and cheese.

The thing is, thanks to an annoyingly wonderful sermon/talk/teaching (whatever you want to call it) by Andy Stanley at Passion 2011 in Atlanta, it's hard for me to think of appetites and craving the same way I used to.  Stanley pointed out that our appetites were created by God but distorted by sin.  So in other words, God gave me the taste buds I have that send happy chemicals to my brain when I eat potatoes.  However my sin distorts that God given happiness when I wallow in a bad mood and eat an entire box of instant mashed potatoes.  Obviously our appetite for food isn't the only appetite he spoke about. Here's a link to a blog written by someone who attended the conference and recapped the session if you're interested.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 22

#22: Something that makes you different from everyone else.

I think my extreme clumsiness makes me different from almost everyone I know.  Growing up I always wished I could make being klutzy as cute Amanda Bynes did.  Alas, it was not to be.  The only person I know who's half as clumsy as I am is my sister, Lyndsey...she's a pilot who can't get into a plane without bumping her head on the wing.

I'm pretty sure my youngest sister, Ciana, got all the coordination Lyndsey and I missed out on. :-)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 21

#20:  A picture of something that makes you happy.

This is Lyme Park in England...aka Pemberley in the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth.  I was able to visit here last March and any time I see this picture it just makes me smile.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 20

#20: Someone you see yourself marrying.

Well since I'm not about to start naming names I think I'll just describe to you my ideal man. Now keep in mind that I'm absolutely aware that my list and God's might not match up fact I'm pretty sure He enjoys getting a giggle out of some of my ideas. Anyway, I don't expect to find someone with every one of these qualities but there are a few things that are non-negotiable.

First of all he must have an active and growing relationship with Jesus. I won't settle for someone who just attends church on Sundays, I want someone who is taking steps to get to know Jesus better and to tell others about God's grace. I want him to want to discuss the Bible with me. For him to listen when something in my quiet time speaks to me and for him to share his discoveries with me.

Second, my ideal guy will have a good relationship with his family. I'm not naive enough to think that his family will be the Waltons but I need to know that whatever issues his family may have, he still loves them unconditionally.

Next, he needs to be able to have a good relationship with my family. My family and I are very close and odds are, if they don't like a guy, I won't like him either. That being said, the man I marry must be able to join in my family's quirkiness. We can be a loud bunch. My sisters and I like to sing Disney songs in the car. We're extremely competitive. And stubborn. And always right. These are things my guy will have to be able to join in on.

I really want a man's man. Now, I don't mean I want him to wear plaid all the time, scratch himself in public, and spit. I mean that I want him to enjoy the outdoors and to know all that stuff about cars that goes right over my head. He needs to know how to use all the power tools required to build bookshelves so my books don't completely take over our home.

A sense of humor is a must. Sarcasm is my love language (even if it's not one of the 5 mentioned in the book by Gary Chapman) so it would be good if Mr. Right is fluent in it. I also appreciate a wicked sense of humor. One of my favorite quotes is from the movie Anne of Avonlea, when Anne says, "Well, I wouldn't marry anyone who was really wicked, but I think I'd like it if he could be wicked and wouldn't." That expresses my feelings exactly.

I've been told before that because I have such a strong personality I need someone that will say "Yes, dear." and let me have my way. I disagree...I really think I need someone who won't hesitate to point out when I'm wrong and who isn't afraid to argue with me. Of course he will need to be able to recognize that, at times, saying "Yes, dear." really is the best course of action. :-)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 19

#19: Nicknames you have and why you have them.

Ahh nicknames. I've had many, many, many nicknames, several of which made my preteen years miserable. Just FYI, names like Flamingo, Bird Legs, Chicken Legs, and Giraffe don't exactly bolster self-confidence.

As for the good (or at least well-intentioned) nicknames:

Sugar-booger. That one is from my dad. Need I say more? I hope not because I have no idea where he got it but somehow it stuck.

Megan Rowdy. I love this one. Sarah's dad has called me this for as long as I can remember and I liked it so much that I made it my email address. Even though I eventually had to get a grownup email for job applications and the like I still use meganrowdy for twitter.

Rogaine. This one was Beth's dad...he thought it was funny.

Mama Regan. I'm pretty sure Ashley started this one because of my tendency to play Mom to whoever is around. I'm going to pretend she meant it as a compliment. :-)

Sissy. Lyndsey and Brent called me this when we were little, it was so cute!

Seeeeeeeeeszter. Lyndsey and I use this for each other now. Other people find it annoying but we think it's endearing.

ReRe. This one is by far my favorite! Ciana started it when she was little and couldn't say Regan. It stuck for a looooong time and I was sad when she stopped using it. When Steffani and Ryan moved back to Texas we were trying to decide what their kids should call me and I remembered ReRe so that's what they call me. I adore hearing "ReRe" from Maddie and John Ryan so it totally makes up for any less that desirable nicknames from the past.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 18

#18: Plans/Dreams/Goals you have.

Well since it would take about a year and half for me to write all of my plans, dreams, and goals I'll save us all the time and just write about one of each.

I plan to travel and see as much of the world as I possibly can while I'm single and mostly responsibility free. This summer I'm planning to go to Prince Edward Island and see all the sites Lucy Maude Montgomery wrote about in her Anne books.

Nothing too original I'm afraid. I dream of a family of my own with a husband who is a leader I'll love to follow and kids who can see Jesus in us despite our mistakes.

My current goal is to start my own business as a personal historian. I want to use the skills I learned in school and my internship to interview people about their lives and help them preserve their stories for future generations. Right now I'm saving up money for video equipment and reading books on oral history, interview techniques, and videography. Hopefully I'll get this off the ground sometime this year.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 17

#17 A person you would like to switch lives with for one day.

I know this is a day late but I was just too tired yesterday to write anything that made sense.

If I could switch places with someone for a day I think it would be with the head curator of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. I would love to be able to sit in the chair used by Robert E. Lee when he surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, or just lay my hands on Audie Murphy's Medal of Honor citation, or to set Minnie Pearl's famous hat on my head. I don't know if I could see everything in one day but boy would I try!

Oh, and if the curator wasn't available to switch lives with I'd settle for a day as Kate Middleton. :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 16

#16 Another picture of yourself

I couldn't find any other pictures of just me on my computer so I picked this one of my dad and me. Wasn't I cute? i wonder who I was sticking my tongue out at.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 15

#15 Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play.

1.) Mockingbird by Toby Keith
2.) Lady is a Tramp by the Glee Cast
3.) Beautiful, Beautiful by Francesca Battistelli
4.) Fever by Michael Buble
5.) You Can't Make a Heart Love Somebody by George Strait
6.) Never Been Kissed by Sherrie Austin
7.) Let My Words Be Few by Matt Redman
8.) A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes from Cinderella
9.) Come On Over by Shania Twain
10.) Jingle Bells by Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby

Eclectic, yes?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 14

#14 A picture of you and your family

This is my family and me last Christmas in Colorado. From left to right, that's Lyndsey, Brent, Ciana, Mom, me, and Dad. We've been able to enjoy two White Christmases in Colorado and hopefully we'll get to again. We all love the snow but funnily enough, none of us ski. We like to snow-mobile and sled but I don't think any of us have the coordination for skiing!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 13

#13 Write a letter to someone who's hurt you recently.

This challenge is no fun.

Dear you,

I'm hurt because you just don't get it. I think I'm learning things though so maybe the hurt is worth it. Maybe.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 12

#12 How you found out about Blogger and why you have one.

I think I originally found Blogger sometime back in 2008 when I started to follow my friend Bethany's blog and through her's I found Angie Smith's blog and then it started to snowball from there. I love blogs. So much so that there are 59 in my Google Reader. That's nuts. I really do enjoy the snapshots they give into other people's lives though. That's probably because I've been nosey my whole life.

I blog because I'm a historian at heart and historians live for records. Even records of things that don't seem worth recording. Trust me, when a historian sets out to research a particular era they hope desperately to find diaries or letters that tell the everyday details and not just the big, "historical" events. So I type out summaries and post pictures from birthday parties, sporting events, or just plain old Mondays. Or I post recipes that my family enjoys. Or I just ramble on about whatever strikes me on any given day. Someday hopefully someone will be able to glean at least one tiny tidbit of useful information from these entries that will help them get through a class on "21st Century America" or something of the like.

I also blog because I'm slightly narcissistic and want to be able to look back on what I've been up to. :-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 11

#11 Another picture of you and your friends.

Ok this time I can't just pick one so bear with me!

This is Katie, Sarah, and me at the "Homeschool Cruise" aka prom in 2002. Katie and I met when her family came to Mims, I believe we were in the 4th grade. We have really seen each other at our worst and our best. My hair in this pic being one of the worst of course. :-) Sarah is my oldest friend. We've been friends since I was accidentally placed in the wrong Pre-K class at Mims. (I was tall for my age even then!) My earliest memory of Sarah is the Sunday after I accepted Christ into my heart. I was scared to death as I walked up to stand at the front of the church with my parents and our pastor. Then all of the sudden I see Sarah bouncing up the aisle to stand with me. "I was scared too," she said. And 20 years later we're still friends!

Bethany and I met in the 1st grade and have somehow managed to stay friends all these years...I don't know how she's put up with me. We share a deep love for Saved By The Bell, Runaway Bride, and Chocolate. Oh and Mak&Cheese! ;-)

Cara and I have been friends since I graduated High School and joined the college group at West Conroe. This is us on our Grand Adventure to the UK! (We really should have tried to get some better pictures of the two of us!)

Megan and I have been friends since I joined the youth group at West Conroe. We've seen each other through some pretty rough times and some pretty great ones!

Ashley and I met at youth camp the summer I was in 8th grade and she was in 11th. Together we led a little girl to the Lord and we've been almost inseparable ever since. This is a picture of us being total baking nerds!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 10

#10: Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, and mad.

This one is difficult! How am I supposed to pick just one song for each of these emotions? I guess I'll give it a shot though.......

Happy: All I Do is Dream of You by Michael Buble. I especially love the Gene Kelly/Debbie Reynolds version from Singing in the Rain. The music is just so upbeat and peppy you can't help but smile when you hear it.

Sad: Learn to be Lonely by Minnie Driver from Phantom of the Opera. I'm one of those people who likes to wallow in their sadness for a little while...this song is the best wallowing song I can think of.

Bored: One Bad Apple by the Osmonds. I'm never bored for long when I listen to the Osmonds!

Hyped: Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. I don't think you can help but be hyped when this song plays!

Mad: Cruel Mistress by Flogging Molly. Ok I'm a little ashamed of this one but I'm just being honest. I don't think anyone sounds angrier in their music than Flogging Molly and it's just fun to listen to. Plus they're Irish so eventually, no matter how mad I am, I'll calm down and just enjoy their lilting accents. :-)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 9

#9 Something you're proud of that you've done in the last few days.

This one is a toughie...but since I'm up against the deadline for the day and my computer battery is dying I'm just going to pick something. I guess it would be the hats I've finished knitting. I really like having a nerdy hobby like knitting, I like to think it makes me quirky! I love to knit because I can do it while I'm watching TV and still feel like I'm being productive. Hats are my favorite because they're quick and pretty much instant gratification which is good for my short attention span. So yeah, I'm proud of my knitting. (What a dork.)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 8

#8 Short term goals for this month and why.

Goals scare me but this question isn't too bad because it asks for short term goals. Short term works for me because it leaves less time for procrastination (see Day 4). I have 3 goals I'd like to accomplish this month.

#1: Consistently work on scripture memory. I'm taking part in the Siesta Scripture Memory Team on the Living Proof Ministries Blog and so far I've done really well with working on my verses every day. However, today is only the 8th so I'm not ready to call it a victory quite yet.

#2: Organize my room and car. This sounds so lame but somehow over the holidays my room and my car became the biggest messes. I just know I'll feel better in general if my spaces are a little more well ordered.

#3: Make some progress in starting my new business. Even if it's just reading a how-to book I need to do something to remind myself that this is a long term goal worth working towards.

What are your goals this month?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 7

#7 A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

This is a picture of Cpl. John Stalvey. He was killed in action October 3, 2005 while serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Other than my salvation, his death was probably the biggest turning point in my life. Things that were true on October 2, 2005 have never been true again and truths I had never discovered before that date have been glaringly evident every day since.

John was the cousin of a good friend of mine growing up. John came and lived in Conroe after he graduated high school and I'm pretty sure all the girls in our youth group (myself included) fell in love with him. His smile was swoon-worthy and his sense of humor and genuine kindness made him a friend to everyone. After September 11th John felt God calling him into the service of his country so John joined the Marines. He served in Afghanistan and Cuba before going to Iraq in 2005. John used his time in each of these places to glorify God and share the Gospel with anyone who would listen.
On October 3, 2005 an IED hit the humvee John was riding in and he was in Heaven before he even heard the explosion. In the days that followed I saw John's testimony come to life through his family. John and his family sacrificed his life for our freedom and so the message of freedom could be spread through the world. In my mind this is as close as a human could get to replicating the sacrifice made by our Father in heaven. Jesus gave His life for our freedom from sin and that the gospel of that freedom could be sent to all the world.
Not only did I have John and his selflessness to look at but also the amazing peace and grace that God gave to John's family, specifically his mother. Crystal Merillat chose to cling tight to Jesus in those days following John's death and ever since. So close in fact that just after the visitation for John at the funeral home she gathered up all the Marines who were charged with the duty of watching over her son's casket and she presented them with the most beautiful gospel message I've ever heard. She spoke of how John's sacrifice was nothing, NOTHING, compared to the sacrifice that Jesus made. She also said that while John died for the cause of freedom, that paled in comparison to the cause of eternal life which Jesus died for. That image of Crystal standing in the middle of a circle of young Marines is forever etched in my brain.
If I had to pick out just one lesson that I learned from John's death I think it would be to live a life that is worthy of being sacrificed for the cause of bringing others to a relationship with Jesus. John is greatly missed here on earth but I know he's experiencing perfect joy in Heaven as he's worshiping his Savior.

Blog Challenge Day 6

#6, Favorite Superhero and why.

My favorite superhero is Batman. I love the fact that he took something traumatic from his life and turned it into a force for good. Also, he doesn't have any special or supernatural powers that forced him to choose the life of a hero. He took what he had and worked to make himself useful. Not to mention the fact that Batman has been played by Val Kilmer, George Clooney, and Christian Bale so that makes the movies highly enjoyable!

Blog Challenge Day 5

#5 A picture of somewhere you've been.


I've been blessed to travel quite a bit. When I was little my Dad traveled often for work and would take me with him. I think I've been to Disney World 5 or 6 times because he had to deliver equipment in Florida. We also went to Civil War battlefields like Vicksburg and Chattanooga. For my 18th birthday/graduation present my Mom and I went to Great Britain and took a bus tour of England, Wales, and Scotland. That's a trip I'll never forget. As an adult I've traveled to Mexico, Washington DC, Savannah, Boston, Memphis, and back to Great Britain.
I really hope my next big trip is to Prince Edward Island. I would love to see the "Lake of Shining Waters" and the "Light Way to Light." :-)

Blog Challenge Day 4

#4 A habit you wish you didn't have.

I can only pick one? I guess I'd have to say procrastination. According to Shonda Rhimes (creator of Grey's Anatomy), "Everyone knows the key component of serious, rampant procrastination is the inability to put anything on paper." That was certainly true for me in college! Now I procrastinate in other areas. If there's a project at work that is particularly unpleasant I just put it off as long as possible, if I need to do laundry I put it off until the third day of wearing my last clean pair of jeans, and if there's someone God's laid on my heart to reach out to I'll often put it off for fear of their reaction. How sad is that? I also struggle with a short attention span which feeds procrastination. I'm easily distracted by shiny things and there are countless projects I've begun and never finished. For example, I have a cross-stitch project that I began in March 2004 that is sitting in a drawer about 90% completed. Yeah I know, it's pathetic. Anyway, I am aware of the problem and am trying to do something about it. Hopefully I won't put that off too long!

Blog Challenge Day 3

#3 A picture of you and your friends.

Here's a picture of me and some friends...I like it because I'm in the back! From front to back that's Steffani, Shannon, Lyndsey, and me. This was taken on Girls Shooting Day 2010.

This past Saturday I went to San Antonio for Megan's first bridal shower and it was so fun. We bridesmaids threw a kitchen shower for her and she got all kinds of fun kitchen stuff and recipes. I can't wait for her wedding to get here, it's going to be so much fun!

Last night I went to Cara's for a belated Christmas celebration with her, Jennifer, and Linda. Cara made a delicious chicken potpie, homemade biscuits, and blondies for dessert. We all brought gifts to do a white elephant gift exchange but a funny thing happened. We all liked the gift that we opened and nobody wanted to steal anything! Then we played the Wii for a couple of hours. Poor Linda was playing for the first time and found out the hard way that Wii tennis can be dangerous!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 2

The meaning behind my blog name...
It's not that great of a story, really I just like alliteration and I tend to ramble so it just fit. :-)

Blog Challenge Day 1 (a day late!)

(Me taking pictures at Ryan's homecoming from Afghanistan)

15 things about me:

1.) I'm a little too proud of the fact that I can make homemade tamales.
2.) I like to color in coloring books when I'm stressed because I don't have to think.
3.) My favorite book of all time is Rilla of Ingleside. It makes me laugh, it makes me cry, whatever I need.
4.) Potatoes make me happy any way I can get them.
5.) My current favorite nail polish color is "Red Flare" by Orly.
6.) I believe all of life's questions can be answered by watching Saved By The Bell.
7.) My car's is named Meredith.
8.) I didn't have my own room until I was 19 years old.
9.) I've been to four Switchfoot concerts.
10.) I won a writing contest in the 5th grade inspired by a Beanie Baby and my picture was in the Conroe Courier.
11.) I did and internship with a PBS station in Arkansas.
12.) I enjoy watching soap operas because no matter how bad I think my life is, it's always worse in soap world!
13.) I will be watching the royal wedding on April 29th.
14.) My sister and I have been known to spend hours on the phone just singing songs from movies.
15.) I desperately want to visit Prince Edward Island.
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