Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 19

#19: Nicknames you have and why you have them.

Ahh nicknames. I've had many, many, many nicknames, several of which made my preteen years miserable. Just FYI, names like Flamingo, Bird Legs, Chicken Legs, and Giraffe don't exactly bolster self-confidence.

As for the good (or at least well-intentioned) nicknames:

Sugar-booger. That one is from my dad. Need I say more? I hope not because I have no idea where he got it but somehow it stuck.

Megan Rowdy. I love this one. Sarah's dad has called me this for as long as I can remember and I liked it so much that I made it my email address. Even though I eventually had to get a grownup email for job applications and the like I still use meganrowdy for twitter.

Rogaine. This one was Beth's dad...he thought it was funny.

Mama Regan. I'm pretty sure Ashley started this one because of my tendency to play Mom to whoever is around. I'm going to pretend she meant it as a compliment. :-)

Sissy. Lyndsey and Brent called me this when we were little, it was so cute!

Seeeeeeeeeszter. Lyndsey and I use this for each other now. Other people find it annoying but we think it's endearing.

ReRe. This one is by far my favorite! Ciana started it when she was little and couldn't say Regan. It stuck for a looooong time and I was sad when she stopped using it. When Steffani and Ryan moved back to Texas we were trying to decide what their kids should call me and I remembered ReRe so that's what they call me. I adore hearing "ReRe" from Maddie and John Ryan so it totally makes up for any less that desirable nicknames from the past.


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